Monday, December 28, 2009

The Real Self lies inside us !!!

So here i am...again wid my posts. Thanx 2 Miss. Swati Sharma dat she indirectly instigated me to start writing again into my blog. Its actually a kool way to express urself.

The topic I have chosen is How to Know the Real Self..... n it can be answered in just 2 words - Search Inside. Your are the best judge of yourself and all the questions related to your life are hidden inside. It clearly means that its always best to look to your heart and know what you should do. Even science sometimes agrees to the power of intuition. And this is nothing but The Voice of your Heart..........blaaaaaaaah !!!!


Its all bullshit. Intuition.......!!!! The stuffs which I wrote above are good enough for lectures delivered in the Art of Living classes. People learn them in their classes and as soon as they keep their foot outside the Art of Living Classes....they come to their normal self. But since they have told their friends that they have joined such classes ( which is nowadays a fashion among the metro ppl ), they gotta prove others that they are changing. But when the application of those things come.....they are far from it. And I am dead sure Sri Sri Ravishankar will also agree to this. THE REAL SELF....ha ha !!! It comes out when you are in a show like Bigg Boss (if we assume it to be true and not fabrigated). Its not inside or anywhere. Its with you only and you know that.

I have often seen people showing different faces in different places. But he himself knows that which face is more identical to his real face. People might know Johney Lever as a comedian, but how emotional he is in Real Life is known to his closed ones only. And the best to him. So this means everyone is not aware of his true self. Its known to him. But sometimes people tend to ignore few facts, generally which are negative. Thats where these Art of Living Classes come to the rescue. They teach people what is already known to them.

I understand the readers of this article will find it vague and will disagree with me at most of the points. But then ...WHO CARES !!! I had to write what I find to be true. The best one can do to answer all his unanswered SELF questions is to ask the almighty....THE GOD !!! He's d best to guide. But don't blindly faith him. Coz Mr. GOD has other things to do as well. So he might be busy. Hence, make yourself powerful enough that God even in his busy schedule can take out time for you. And Mr. Hanuman and I have come in terms with it.

Neways....felt nice 2 write dis blog aftr almost 1/2 an year. Hope i continue doing this for long. Bye

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